Thursday, June 25, 2009

My First Post

Oh man, I'm so excited right now. :D I haven't blogged since 2004. Thats like 5 years ago. So I remember the usual deal was, I type the introduction paragraph for a post, and sit here for about 15 minutes trying to think of what to write.

So, to my old time readers, you're going to find a lot of recycled material used, because recycling is good for the environment.

Welcome to the Chronicles of Seoul.

Well... I have an exam tomorrow and I should be studying... but right now I'm just way too excited about blogging AND about the present my wife Hanby got me. Here is a picture of it just below:

Yep, stop being jealous ladies, thats a genuine vintage Apple iPod, complete with built in speakers and DUAL tuning knobs. Every inch is finely detailed as well as the exterior having a clad of sheepskin leather, which when oxidised, becomes a royal chocolate colour. :)

Anyway, enough about my iPod. Back to how much I rule.

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